The Unshakeable Kingdom (Digital Workbook)
Revelation is the book of Jesus Christ revealed—in all His splendor and glory, in all of His furious love, in all of His power. Throughout this twelve-week Bible study, we will discover that the humble Savior is a coming King, and in Him, we find the security and confidence that we need in the face of uncertainty and tribulation.
The shaking and shifting of current events have revealed much about our hearts—and the hearts of those around us. As the world quakes, we are being revealed before each other. In the study of the book of Revelation, we will read about what happens during the final time that the earth shakes. It holds some details about the shaking and the shifting that have yet to take place. But it holds a revelation far greater than that of what will be. It reveals Who will be.
The book of Revelation is the book of Jesus Christ revealed—in all His splendor and glory, in all of His furious love, in all of His power. The humble Savior is a coming King, and we will find, in that truth, the security and confidence that we need in the face of uncertainty and tribulation. I hope you will join me as we seek to better know the Savior who is Christ, the Lord and King, as He reveals Himself in this final book of the Bible.
This is a digital version and will be sent to you as a PDF, which you can download for yourself. This workbook is also available as a hardcopy.
There are complimentary teachings that accompany the workbook, which are available as video or audio on the The Unshakeable Kingdom course page.