A Promised Hope (Hardcopy)
This eleven-week Bible study focuses on the hope we have in the promise of Christ’s return. The true hope of the gospel is only fully understood when we reattach the good news of what Christ has done on the cross with the good news of what He has promised to do when He returns!
This eleven-week (10 Lesson) Bible study focuses on the hope we have in the promise of Christ’s return.
The true hope of the gospel is only fully understood when we reattach the good news of what Christ has done on the cross with the good news of what He has promised to do when He returns!
In this study together, we will look at the promises of what the Messiah will do when He returns. We will consider Old and New Testament passages alike to understand the fullness of God’s story—what He has already done and the work He has promised but has yet to do. Our King is coming back!
And, if we only glimpse what that return will bring, our hope will find footing even in these most uncertain times.
This workbook is also available in a digital version.
There are complimentary teachings that accompany the workbook, which are available as video or audio on the A Promised Hope course page.