I've been trying to get this going since January 1. You can see how long it's taken. But...now it's time for the annual book giveaway...this year in honor of my birthday! :)
I've been trying to get this going since January 1. You can see how long it's taken. But...now it's time for the annual book giveaway...this year in honor of my birthday! :)
My sister(-in-law) Darcee and I have a constant text conversation going about life in general. But life in general also includes a lot of book talk! She decided [and I agreed] that we should let you all in on the love with a book giveaway.
In 2016, my friend Katie and I set out to read 36 books. We figured 24 (2/month) sounded too easy. We were a little bit overzealous in our goal, but it was worth it! We carried a book everywhere. We were rarely reading the same books, but it felt like teamwork.
In 2016, my friend Katie and I set out to read 36 books. We figured 24 (2/month) sounded too easy. We were a little bit overzealous in our goal, but it was worth it! We carried a book everywhere. We were rarely reading the same books, but it felt like teamwork.
I’m hoping to get back to blogging regularly here in a few weeks. But in the meantime, I just wanted to jump on here with my August book report! I've now finished books 16-18 of my #36in2016, which means I'm halfway there. For you math whizzes out there, that means I need to read an 18 more books now in the half the time that the first 18 took.
I’m hoping to get back to blogging regularly here in a few weeks. But in the meantime, I just wanted to jump on here with my August book report! I've now finished books 16-18 of my #36in2016, which means I'm halfway there. For you math whizzes out there, that means I need to read an 18 more books now in the half the time that the first 18 took.
July has flown by. I was in and out of town, but I did manage to squeeze in three books. (If I'd done that every month, it would have put me right on target for 36 in 2016...but I have not.)
July has flown by. I was in and out of town, but I did manage to squeeze in three books. (If I'd done that every month, it would have put me right on target for 36 in 2016...but I have not.)
My sister-in-law Darcee reminded me this morning that my June reading post should be coming soon. If anyone loves reading more than me, it's definitely her. I spent a half hour shopping on her bookshelf last Saturday. Maybe we can convince her to jump on here soon with her very own recommendations.
My friend Katie and I decided to challenge ourselves to read 36 books in 2016. Our reasoning was simple: 24 sounded too easy and 48 sounded like a losing battle. So 36 it is. (We think deeply like that all the time.) I'm on book 9, which if you do the math puts me pretty far behind
My friend Katie and I decided to challenge ourselves to read 36 books in 2016. Our reasoning was simple: 24 sounded too easy and 48 sounded like a losing battle. So 36 it is. (We think deeply like that all the time.) I'm on book 9, which if you do the math puts me pretty far behind