Engaging Our Minds in Bible Study | Lesson Four

In this lesson we’ll talk about engaging our minds in Bible study. My hope and prayer is that these resources and tools–these methods of studying the Bible–would not become distractions but would grow our confidence in our ability to study and understand God’s Word. The goal of Bible study is always to better know and more deeply love the God of the Bible.

In the Introduction of this study, we talked about engaging our minds, hearts, souls, and strength as we seek to know and love the Lord more through His written Word. Mark 12:30 encourages us:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”

Today, we’ll pay more attention to our minds as we read. Remember, though, that your mind is not completely separate from your heart, soul, and strength; instead, each is an aspect of your whole self. We do not disengage our hearts as we are engaging our minds in Bible study!

Written Lesson and Listening Guide: Engaging Our Minds in Bible Study

engaging our minds in bible study

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