In episode of 7 of unplowed ground, we will discuss the danger of denying or excusing the sins in our lives. The Bible tells us that it’s God’s kindness that leads us to repentance. That’s because repentance is intended to bring us back into an intimate fellowship with and enjoyment of the presence of the Lord Himself. When we respond to God’s conviction by turning back to Him rather than by running away from Him, we find that our relationship with Him is restored.
Further, by the transforming power of His Spirit within us, God has freed us from our sins, and He is continuing to teach us how to walk in that freedom!
“For freedom, Christ set us free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery.”
Invitation to Respond:
Practice repentance.
Ask the Lord to convict you of your sins. (Remember that you don’t have to try to think up and deal with every sin all at once. Trust Him to gently put His finger on one or two areas a time.
When a sin does come to mind, ask the Lord for His forgiveness and receive His perfect and complete forgiveness.
Then, if it’s a sin or habit you fall back into often, ask the Lord for insight about why you keep falling into the trap of that sin. We want to cooperate with His setting us FREE to walk in FREEDOM from sin, and engaging with Him in the areas of our failures is the first step.
Practice confessing to one another.
Confess your sins to a trusted friend. This is especially helpful when dealing with secret or quiet/unnoticed sins.
This is not a prerequisite to forgiveness, but it does often lead to healing and freedom because it moves our sins out of the darkness (the enemy’s territory) and into the light (of Christ)! See James 5:16.
Ask the Lord how He sees you.
Don’t assume that the Lord sees you as a scrappy sinner just barely getting by. Ask Him for a picture of how He views you, and give Him time to speak into your identity in this way.
Scripture References:
Mark 2:17
John 17:3
Titus 3:3-7
Romans 8:9-11
Galatians 5:1